Update superuser X apk Download

superuser X apk

superuser X apk Description

superuser X apk | *** Requires Root to Install
*** Special thanks to Lance Faure for ongoing suggestions and testing. ***
***  Xperia Play (R800i) testers wanted - buy it, send a mail to maxice@gmail.com get refunded within 48 hours, effectively free, this offer is valid for 1 month starting 19.05.2012 and ends on 19.06.2012  ***

superuser pro is now superuser X

Also Try: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bitcubate.busybox.pro

This installs su which is required to enjoy root privileges on an android system.

Usage: Start the installer and press the install button.

The difference between this superuser and my other superuser installer is that it is a bit more refined, has a better ui and single click install. Also help / manual is included, just scroll down.

The difference between this superuser and SuperSU, Superuser and Superuser from Clockworkmod is that it works at a much lower level. Hence it is suitable to be used even after boot when android services have not yet started. That means it does not require any ui interaction, is silent, saves battery and always grants permission. Obviously this is ideal for hackers and powerusers, as it is a gazillion times faster than waiting for the superuser UI to kick in each time. But with this convenience come also warning, use this only if you develop root apps, run trusted apps or another app requires this level of superuser access.

Use Case: Antivrus software usually requires a superuser to have deeper access to the underlying system.
Apps like BetterBatteryStats frequently require root access, the toasts can become annoying which are caused by the other super user apps. Use this to fix that. Another case is when there is a need to have exclusive frame buffer access for education and research where the android process are shut down, in this case other superuser apps would fail.

Recommendation: Endusers who are not the hacker / programmer / power user type are best served with Koush's (Clockworkmod) superuser.

Usage: su -c 'command'
su -c 'command1; command2; .... ; commandN'

Working: su or super user or switch user on android acts as a gid and uid wrapper that runs commands as root on behalf of the user. It runs a shell as root and passess commands to it and closes it after running in layman terms. Root is the guy who is like a system admin who has access to everything hence the name superuser - someone with superuser / superman ability within the realms of the system, unless you are Neo. Root access has been intentionally disabled and restricted by device manufactures for a reason: to prevent users from shooting on their feet. Unfortunately this restricts the use of legit use cases such as antivirus or being able to do more with the device. That's the reason why we have superuser...

Buy this if you liked my other superuser app, or if you like to support me, if you do, it helps me to transition to a new life as a Independent Free Software Developer not bound by limitations of corporate jobs and time etc.


- Robert Nediyakalaparambil

Real Artists Ship.


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