Revision NinjaMorph Pro apk New Version

NinjaMorph Pro apk

NinjaMorph Pro apk Description

NinjaMorph Pro apk | NinjaMorph is for Rooted users ONLY!
BusyBox is required for this app!
***!!!***Debbuging MUST be on to use this***!!!***
***!!!***This version allows you to resign and MODIFY images within a market app***!!!***

(this does not allow app theft of any kind)

NinjaMorph allows you to Modify system apk's and jars right from your phone without ever hooking up a PC.

Change out images, xml files, anything.

**Check app for updates**

The signing feature of this app is made possible by an open sourced library developed by Ken Ellinwood.

This library is covered under the Apache 2.0 license and the source code for this project can be found at:

A Very big thanks to Ken for his assistance on this matter, Thanks Ken.

Problems? Email me.


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