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Custom Watch for SmartWatch apk

Custom Watch for SmartWatch apk Description

Custom Watch for SmartWatch apk | Custom Watch for SmartWatch is a customizable watch
including the following features:

* usable as normal wrist watch
* 14 individual watch designs
* 6 digital clocks and 8 analog clocks
* choose backgroundimage from your gallery
* customizable textcolor
* customizable backgroundcolor
* customizable clocksize (only for digital clocks)
* customizable clockposition (only for digital clocks)
* switch between 12h and 24h format
* show phone battery level

With the "Use as wrist watch" option in "app mode" it works like a normal wrist watch.

ATTENTION: Custom Watch only works with Sonys SmartWatch not with Sonys LiveView!

Question 1:
Does the Custom Watch replace the native watch?
No. Nobody can replace the native watch, but you can run the "Custom Watch" app and choose the option "Use as wrist watch",
to run the "Custom Watch" App permanently till you stop this app.

Question 2:
Does the "Custom Watch" decrease the battery life of my SmartWatch?
Sure. If you use an app it will always reduce the battery life on all devices, especialy if use it permanently, but here is a tip.
The display of the Smart Watch decrease the battery life most, so we implemented two options for you:
* "Dim after 10 seconds" to dim down the SmartWatch display after 10 seconds till you touch the display.
* "Stand by after 10 seconds" to turns of the display after 10 seconds and will wake up after touching the display.
So it is your choice how much energy you save.

Question 3:
Is it possible to display the battery level of the SmartWatch.

No. There is no possibility to read out the battery sensor of the SmartWatch at this time.

LiveWare™ extension for SmartWatch


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