New Lookout Ad Network Detector apk Latest Version

Lookout Ad Network Detector apk

Lookout Ad Network Detector apk Description

Lookout Ad Network Detector apk | Ad Network Detector scans your phone or tablet for the presence of the most common ad networks used in mobile apps, giving you insight into what types of ads can be displayed, and what information is gathered by the ad networks. With easy access to this information, you'll be able to decide whether you want to keep the app that has certain ad networks on your phone.

Smartphone usage has skyrocketed, and some advertisers have begun to experiment with aggressive, new techniques to display ads on mobile devices. This includes pushing ads to the standard Android notification bar, dropping generically designed icons on the mobile desktop, and modifying browser settings like bookmarks or the default homepage. Because each of these techniques can display an advertisement outside the context of a specific application, it's very difficult for users to know exactly which app is responsible for any given ad. Ad Network Detector provides a method for users to determine which ad network and application are the source for such ads.

It's also common for ad networks to collect information that identifies a specific device or user for use in targeted marketing campaigns. Much like for browser-based ads, this practice allows users to see more personalized or relevant ads. Despite permissions-based information access, it is often difficult for the users to understand what aspects of their information are collected by ad networks. Lookout Labs has investigated the capabilities and information collection methods specific to each ad network. Ad Network Detector tells users exactly what data is being collected, and by whom.

We've designed Ad Network Detector to make the practices supporting mobile advertising more transparent to the average user. The app detects many but not all ad networks, and we fully intend to increase the number of detected ad networks to keep mobile users as informed as possible.

Alphabetical List of Ad Networks Detected

• AdFonic
• AdKnowledge
• Admia
• AdMob
• Aduru
• AdWhirl
• AirAd
• AirPush
• Appenda
• Burstly
• BuzzCity
• Casee
• Cauly
• Everbadge
• GreyStripe
• InMobi
• JumpTap
• LeadBolt
• LogiaAd
• MDotM
• Medialets
• Millennial
• MobClix
• MobFox
• MOcean
• Moolah Media
• MoPub
• Pontiflex
• Smaato
• StartApp
• Tapit!
• TapJoy
• Vdopia
• Vserv
• Youmi
• ZestAdz

Ad Network Capabilities & Privacy

Lookout Labs has investigated the capabilities and information collection methods specific to each ad network. Based on this research, Ad Network Detector details what identifying information is collected by and ad network, and how it is collected. "Personal information" is defined as info that is directly linkable to an individual user, such as email address. "Device and Network Information" is defined as information that is specific to an individual device or netwok, rather than to the user.

Lookout Mobile Security

This app is not a replacement for Lookout Mobile Security, and it will not detect or repair malware. Downloading Lookout Mobile Security is the best way to keep your phone safe from malware and spyware, back up your data, and locate, scream, lock, or wipe a lost or stolen phone.

About Lookout Labs

This is a project of the Labs division of Lookout Mobile Security. The goal of Lookout Labs is to explore new ideas and push the boundaries of mobile apps. Labs projects are experimental by nature, and may only be available for a limited time.

Lookout is a mobile security company dedicated to protecting smartphones worldwide, and has received 5-star ratings from CNET and PCWorld. Millions of users worldwide trust Lookout to protect their phone. Lookout is security and privacy certified by Verisign and TRUSTe.

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